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Hotel Pool Safety in Las Vegas


Keep Your Family Safe As Temps Heat Up

Swimming pool safety is important no matter where you are, but when you are in an unfamiliar place like a casino or hotel, it is even more critical. Paying attention to your surroundings in a casino, where there is always a sea of people and a lot of distractions, is difficult, but add to that added risk of water and you have a recipe for disaster. Read the tips below to help brush up on what to think about before you lay down your towel.

  1. Read all the signs posted about pool rules, if there is a lifeguard on duty, and the depths of the pool in all areas. Be sure to check the age limits for certain pool areas and pay attention to any “closed” signs or precautions about recent health issues.
  2. Make sure your children know where you will be at all times, and that they check in with you once or twice every hour during the day for water breaks (drinking water) and to reapply sunscreen.
  3. Advise your kids of the depths of the pool, off limit areas, and of where the lifeguard is located. Make sure they know not to dive or jump into the shallow ends.
  4. Stay within arms reach of new or inexperienced swimmers. Consider taking “shifts” with your friends or partner to be sure someone is always paying close attention.
  5. Know the signs of drowning. They are typically not going to be flailing around like in the movies. Silent swimmers are often in danger, not the other way around.
  6. Follow all requests and rules made by the lifeguards, they are for your safety.
  7. Watch for patrons who are under the influence of drugs or alcohol, they are more likely to be a danger to themselves and others.
  8. If the water is murky, looks like there are signs of bodily fluids or matter in it, or smells foul, avoid going in the pool and alert the hotel management immediately. Harmful bacteria may be present that is extremely dangerous for children and babies.
  9. Check the pool for glass, sharp metal, or dangerous drain covers that could cut or trap your child’s fingers, toes, or hair.
  10. If the deck is slippery, ask pool staff to sweep or move the water, and make sure to remind your children not to run.

Request a Free Consultation at (702) 381-6590

Casinos have a responsibility to provide safety measures and maintain the health standards of their facilities for their patrons. If you or someone you love was injured or fell sick due to an accident or issue with a casino pool, you may be entitled to a settlement. Discuss your claim with a member of our personal injury attorney team at The Draskovich Law Group in Las Vegas. It pays to get professional legal counsel regrading potential compensation.

Call our firm to discuss your case at (702) 381-6590.
