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Nevada Passes Gender Discrimination Law

Nevada is the first state to prohibit gender discrimination in the state’s Equal Rights Amendment. Keep reading our blog to learn more.

Equal Rights Amendment

While other states have ratified the federal Equal Rights Amendment, Nevada is the first to outright ban discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity, and expression. According to the Nevada ERA,

Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by this State or any of its political subdivisions on account of race, color, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, disability, ancestry or national origin.”

Nevada has passed a number of progressive bills addressing LGBTQIA+ issues including the banning of the trans, gay panic defense which relied on a stigmatized understanding of sexuality and gender identity. This defense was used by individuals – many of whom were not gay or transgender – to justify bouts of violent or ‘divergent’ behavior.

In addition to protecting the rights and privacy of LGBTQIA+ individuals, the state has made tremendous strides to protect HIV+ people that increase access to treatments and ensure equal access to care and opportunities.


The purpose of this action is to make a repeal, or attempts to overturn the ERA more difficult. By establishing a clear, consistent legislation on these complex issues, naysayers and challenges against marginalized groups have less if any grounds for action. In other words, there are fewer loopholes to exploit for the sake of prejudice.

The purpose and planning behind NV’s Equal Rights Amendment have proven to be compelling. Other states including Minnesota are taking note of the need for antidiscrimination laws that cover gender and sexual identity related matters. Proponents hope that more states will join the cause and work to protect individuals from bigotry and hatred.

Legal Options for Victims

For those in business and employees, it’s crucial that individuals understand their legal options. General litigation may be an option for those who are victims of a law violation. Typically, general litigation covers a wide variety of legal issues from intellectual property disputes to employment and labor disputes. For example, an employee who faces gender discrimination may have grounds for a general litigation case against their employer.

The passage of the expanded ERA in Nevada means that not only are there more legal options for those facing discrimination, but there are less loopholes for those who discriminate to exploit.

If you have faced gender or sexual orientation discrimination you may have legal options. Contact The Draskovich Law Group today for more information.
