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Unfit for Trial: A Colorado Dentist Detained in Nevada

A Colorado dentist has been detained for attempting to commit a terrorist attack on a solar power plant servicing many Las Vegas casinos on the strip. Now, a judge has found the man unfit for trial after months of detention. Read on for more information.

Mohammed Reza Mesmarian

Mohammed Reza Mesmarian stands accused of domestic climate terrorism after he allegedly drove his car through a fence and setting fire to it outside of a solar power plant. Reports state that the 34-year-old followed a pattern of attacks involving electrical substations in Washington, North Carolina, and Oregon.

Mesmarian is a resident of Aurora, CO and there are records that he faced the Dental Board for disciplinary measures that led to the restriction of his medical license and possibly led to financial trouble. Since his restriction, Mesmarian has also filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy.

However, after months of detainment in a Nevada jail, Mesmarian’s legal representative has reported that two psychiatrists found that Mesmarian does not understand the charges against him (arson, terrorism, escape, and destruction of property) and is therefore unfit for trial.

What It Means to be Unfit

In the juvenile and adult criminal justice systems, a person’s ability to understand the charges against them is a determining factor in whether they will go to court. Juvenile offenders remain in the juvenile justice system unless there is proof that they not only understood their actions but also acted with the intent to cause harm. If the offender shows murderous intent and full awareness, they could be tried in an adult court.

On the other hand, adults who are deemed unfit for trial are typically unable to comprehend the charges against them and may display acute psychological or developmental difficulties that hinder a person’s intellect. For example, if a person is accused of a crime but has severe developmental disabilities like nonverbal autism may be sentenced to time in a psychiatric facility if found guilty.


Individuals incapable of neurotypical comprehension or those with extreme, acute psychological or physical ailments may not be fit for the court. The alternative is time in a psychiatric facility where they may be detained but have access to critical care.

Criminal charges are serious, but it’s vital that individuals understand their rights in court. Contact The Draskovich Law Group if you have been accused of a crime.
