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National Safety Month


It’s once again June, and that means it’s National Safety Month! The National Safety Council established National Safety Month to educate the nation on the best safety practices to avoid injuries at home, work and on the road. In recognition of their efforts, we decided to dedicate this blog post to reviewing the topics they want to raise awareness about. After all, injuries are one of the leading causes of death for Americans under 40!

Emergency Preparedness

Emergencies can happen at any time, and it’s important to be prepared for worst-case scenarios. A great way to start planning is researching the natural disasters common to your area. With this information in mind, you can begin accumulating resources, plotting escape routes, and practicing emergency drills. Not all emergencies are natural disasters, and some circumstances you just can’t plan for. Learning first aid and CPR is an excellent step in emergency preparedness. If you can, purchase or create emergency kits and store them in your home and car. These emergency kits ensure you’ll have food and medical supplies available no matter your location.


“Wellness” is the healthy choices we make every day to improve our lives. These choices include eating healthier food options, increasing daily physical activity, and even partaking in your favorite hobbies to improve your disposition. It’s easy to get caught up in the daily grind of work and become overwhelmed by life responsibilities. Making positive choices to improve your overall health will increase your confidence and improve your outlook.


Falling is an unfortunate part of life, but just because it’s a common occurrence doesn’t mean it isn’t dangerous. You can avoid falls by keeping your area free of clutter and wearing safe shoes. If you can, make sure the place you’re walking is well-lit, and make use of any available handrails. Depending on the season, the ground may be wet or icy, and you’ll need to tread carefully in appropriate shoes.


According to the National Safety Council, around 100 people die every day due to preventable motor vehicle collisions.

Safe driving means avoiding:

  • Speeding
  • Aggressive driving
  • Distracted driving
  • Cell phones

If you’re feeling tired, take regular breaks to keep yourself awake or pull over and call for assistance. Also, avoid substances that can impair your judgement like drugs and alcohol. Most important of all, never use your cell phone while driving. There isn’t a single call or text that is worth your life.

Contact Us

At The Draskovich Law Group, Chtd, our Las Vegas personal injury attorneys take safety very seriously. If you’ve been injured and require the services of a personal injury lawyer, contact us at (702) 381-6590 to schedule a free consultation. We can help you seek the compensation you deserve.

Don’t let the medical bills pile up. Contact The Draskovich Law Group, Chtdat (702) 381-6590.
