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Revenge Porn Law in Nevada


Modern relationships involve couples expressing their love for one another through various forms of technology, including sharing intimate photos or videos with one another through cellphones, e-mail, and even social media messaging services. However, when the romance ends, it is not uncommon for a bitter and spiteful ex to share private images of the other person with others or post them publicly. This is commonly known as “revenge porn.” 

According to Nevada law, it is against the law to disseminate revenge porn in order to embarrass or harass the person who is the subject of the images. Posting revenge porn is a category D felony offense, punishable by a maximum prison term of four years and a fine not exceeding $5,000. 

In addition, the alleged victim can file a lawsuit against the alleged offender on several grounds, such as defamation, intentional infliction of emotional distress, invasion of privacy, negligence, and others. If a person wins a lawsuit, the judge may grant injunctive relief, which may include removing the illicit images from the internet. 

Due to the serious consequences associated with a charge of “unlawful dissemination of an intimate image,” hiring an experienced criminal defense lawyer is imperative to avoid both criminal charges and a civil lawsuit. If you are being accused of posting revenge porn in Las Vegas, The Draskovich Law Group is prepared to listen to your story, determine your available legal options, and develop an aggressive and personalized legal strategy to get you the best possible outcome inside and outside the courtroom. 

For more information about sex crimes in Las Vegas, contact us today at (702) 381-6590 for a free consultation. 
