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What Is Larceny?

The most basic definition of larceny is theft of personal property. However, this term is often confused with similar crimes despite having distinctly different punishments within the criminal justice system. Keep reading to learn more.

Burglary vs Larceny

Burglary and larceny are often confused with one another, but they have many differences.

Burglary involves unlawful entry into another person’s residence or property with intent to commit a crime. Home invasions are the most common examples of burglary. It’s important to note that the crime can be broad and may apply to situations where theft is not the intended crime. For example, a person could be charged with burglary if they unlawfully enter a person’s home with intent to kill or harm the residents.

Larceny is a type of theft that involves stealing tangible property. Tangible property includes things like cars, jewelry, computers, etc. Non-tangible property includes NFTs, cryptocurrency, investments, and pensions – the theft of which is not considered larceny.

Punishment for Larceny

Larceny is often penalized based on the value of the items stolen. For example, a person who stole an item from a drug store may not face as severe a penalty as someone who stole a luxury sports car. Theft of a cheaper item is sometimes called petty theft while theft of more expensive items is often called grand larceny.


Nevada does define larceny as either petty or grand larceny and considers theft of a motor vehicle to be a felony. Grand larceny of a car is punishable by a maximum prison sentence of 10 years and fines of no more than $10,000.

Your Legal Options

If you have been charged with larceny, consult our attorneys as soon as possible. The Draskovich Law Group can discuss your legal options and structure a legal strategy based on your specific circumstances. When you entrust your case to us, you can rest assured that our team will help you pursue the most optimal result.

Contact our firm today for more information.
